Edge Computing | Cloud Computing & Optimisation


By 2025, 75% of data will be processed outside the cloud – Gartner reported. The edge is everywhere—a factory floor, an oil rig, or an airport. The things at the edge—cars, drills, cameras, personal devices, and more—are sources of rapidly growing big data. The ability to analyze this data and take action on it enables you to optimize operations, redefine employee experiences, improve customer satisfaction, and create differentiated business models.


Enterprise IT edge systems

Enterprise-class IT

Unleash the edge’s full potential by running enterprise-class applications unmodified at the edge—not just pared-down edge versions. Run identical workloads in the data center, cloud, or edge—whether containers, virtual machines, databases, software-defined storage, or something else.

Rugged form factor

Withstand harsh edge environments

Overcome harsh edge environments with a rugged form factor that is designed for severe, space-constrained, and dusty environments to withstand shock, vibration, and extreme temperatures ranges.

Edge servers are rugged and secure with physical tamper-proofing, data encryption, and the ability to withstand conditions of all kinds. So no matter what you need, we’ll find the right solution for you.

Edge systems management

Optimise your operation by actuating the equipment that drives the industrial edge. Improve uptime and system administrator efficiency with new first-of-a-kind edge-optimized management that provides iLO-based familiarity and simplicity.

Contact an HSSL Solutions Specialist today to Learn More!

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